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Rarest Umayyad Baysan Fals


SKU: Lot 31 B.
Period: Islamic Period.
Date: ARAB-BYZANTINE 670-705 AD.
Weight: AE fals 4.26 grams.
Material: Bronze.


Islamic – Early Pre-Reform, ARAB-BYZANTINE 670-705 AD, AE fals 4.26g baysan (Nysa-Scythopolis)
Obverse: Three imperial Standing Figures facing.
Reverse: capital M, monogram; in the middle, A: with inscription around fals / al-haqq / baysan (“legal fals of Baysan”) extremely Rare and in very good condition one of the best known
Hess 255 pl. 4; Amitai-Preiss et al. A19.

Rarest Umayyad Baysan Fals