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Scarab Steatite Men-kheper-ra

SKU: R.49H
Period: Later than the reign of Thutmose III.
Dimension: 16mm/11mm.



Scarab Steatite Men-kheper-ra, Later than the reign of Thutmose III,

(With Tehutmes III came the greatest age of the scarab, when it was most common and most varied. It has often been supposed that the name of Men-kheper -ra was engraved in later times merely as a favourite amulet. On looking over the series here of 150 selected examples, it does not seem, however, that any large number can be assigned to the styles of later times. The great majority are clearly contemporary. As we know, for certain, at least three kings named Men-kheper-ra after Tehutmes III (the priest- king, Khmeny, and Nekau I), the small proportion
with this name which are after the xviiith dynasty are probably contemporary scarabs of these (or perhaps other) later kings. A few here, 130-148, are left as later scarabs, as there is nothing to prove to which of the subsequent kings they belong ; but all of these may be contemporary with later kings of this name.)
Petrie, Scarabs & Cylinders with Names, London, 1917 page 26.

See Petrie, Scarabs & Cylinders with Names, London, 1917: Plate XXIX, No. 132.
And for similar iconography, see: B. Jaeger, Essai de Classification et Datation des scarabs Menkheperre, Friebourg/Gottingen, 1982: Nos. 65 and 66.

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Scarab Steatite Men-kheper-ra

Barakat Art

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